Thursday, October 8, 2009

a new day..

well today was an ok day. its been super long basically. as i said in my previous post i am referring to my kids by their first initial but my sister pointed out that 'A' is a word and a lil confusing so they will be referred to my lil man or baby girl or something like that. there is only on girl and one boy so its simple.
well the last couple days my lil man has been an absolute terror!! i cant believe how much naughty stuff he's done! so thats been stressing me out lol. my girl however had been a lil saint! i think she's trying to make up for her brother's behavior.
in a few weeks is my boys 2nd birthday but the day we were thinking of doing his party is the same day that J is fighting(hes a boxer) in the provincials so we have to reschedule. its alot of work trying to figure where to do it cause we have so many ppl coming. darn these big families lol!
today i worked on my school work and that was rough but got this assignment done. i also cleaned a bunch and did laundry..i HATE laundry lol.
well thats been my day. bye for now!

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